To and Fro with Jess and Dro.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nomad Newlyweds.

Our Nomad Newlywed name seems to be sticking and rightfully so. We are still up to our ever-traveling ways, and thats just the way we like it! Since we last chatted, Pedro and I have made some big decisions which I am stoked to tell you about (later in this blog). Those decisions started with us taking a quick trip back to Nashville to tie up some loose ends. We decided it would be best for us to stop paying rent for two places in two separate states. So we flew to Nashville packed up our place there and put everything in storage. It was certainly interesting packing up everything ourselves with no help! Poor Pedro only had me to help with the lifting... and what a sight that was! A 6'2" guy trying to carry heavy furniture with a (not even) 5' do the math!!! But we survived as usual and have limited injuries to show for it. While in Nash, we got to spend some MUCH NEEDED time with our village (small group) and say our "see ya laters." We went to this really cool worship event that our church, Journey church, put on. It was called SPACE and was just a really unique night. There were different groups of people who led worship throughout the night and our Pastor shared as well. The room was candle-lit and had different stations or "spaces" to worship in. Some worshipped through song or drawing, others by writing/journaling. There were places to take communion in your own time and if your not a chair sitter, there were pillows to sit on too! It was an artistic night of worship to say the least. Pastor Jamie was so sweet and invited us to spend some time with him before we left also....we are so gonna miss Journey church! Although there is so much about Nashville that we love, our first and only desire is to follow God's will for us. We are sad to leave  but are confident that it wont be a forever goodbye. 

After literally packing every square inch of our car to the the brink, we hit the road and headed toward Florida. We prayed that our tires would last for the trip since our car was so heavy. It was crazy! Along the way, we made a pitstop in Atlanta and spent time with some of our family faves, Xavier and Denise. It was so good to catch up on what amazing things they are up to. It felt like no time at all had passed since we had hung out. We are so lucky to have them as family, but more importantly as friends. We love them and are so proud of them for the tough journey they have embarked on and are enduring through, fighting for their dreams. 

Fury of Floridian Festivities.
We have literally not been back in Florida for more than a week and are still trying to catch our breath!  Spring has officially sprung and brought with it the never-ending season of babies and weddings and all the showers that come with it! One part of spring we are not particularly enjoying are our new-found allergies. Congestion and sneezing are our new middle names! Pedro has been doing a ton of speaking, 5 times this week already... 4 school assemblies and 1 youth group. He is also teaching lots of drum lessons too. As if he doesn't have enough going on, when he finds any spare time he does p90x or goes to the baseball field/basketball court. I am starting to substitute teach and have been spring cleaning like crazy! I am also exploring ideas of how to refocus on music. Truth is, I have staying busy and making lots of excuses as to why I dont have time for music. I am putting an end to my lame excuse-making and making it a priority.

Dont Miss This.
So everyone has been asking, "what's next?" Our primary focus right now is Hope In Motion. We are so excited that it is in the process of becoming its own non-profit organization. The paperwork is all finished and in the hands of the proper authorities! We are starting to raise funds and cannot wait to see how many young lives will be changed through Hope In Motion. Our team is growing already and we are so blessed to have amazing people on board. We still have several school assemblies before this school year ends, so pray that God will continue to speak a message of hope through our team. We are also thrilled to announce that this summer will kick off the very first ever Hope In Motion Institute! The institute will be an 8 week program for high school and college age students to become equipped to make a difference in their sphere of influence. We know kids still want to have a summer so the program will only be about 10 hours per week. Some of the training areas will include music, drama, lighting, sound, speaking, follow up, etc. This will enable us to take students into their schools and have them actually get to be part of the team on stage and setting an example to their peers. 

Sneak Peek.
Hope In Motion is going global! We were just given the opportunity of a lifetime to bring our message of hope on tv! Within the next couple of months Pedro and I will begin hosting a show called MXTV.  We are shooting our first episode this month! Each episode will cover a different topic that youth face today. We will go into more detail later as this new endeavor unravels. We feel so honored to have this incredible platform and take it on with much humility.
It has been unbelievable how much we have learned in such a short period of time. As Christ followers, we often become accustom to going through the motions of saying and doing the "right" things. But what good is it to say common cliches such as, " I just have to trust God" if they are just empty words from a distrusting heart. We can honestly say that we have learned what it is to trust God. And that in itself is something we are so proud of. We are trusting him with our futures, our finances, our relationships and location. There are definite moments of discouragement and displacement, but we remain steadfast to the goal at hand. Sometimes the cost seems great, but when we put it in perspective it far pales in comparison to the sacrifice made for us. We hope you enjoy keeping up with us.

Your Favorite Nomad Newlyweds