To and Fro with Jess and Dro.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Undetermined Disposition

I recognize that life is all about learning and growing, yet I am constantly amazed at just how much I seem to be doing just that. Not that I am complaining... I am quite thankful that God continually exposes me to new experiences that diversify my perspective. As of late, I have learned so much about people. Let me preface this by stating that folks are constantly saying to Pedro and I, "Oh I always think you guys are so busy," or "I wasn't sure if you guys were in town." Despite what many may believe, we have really regulated our schedules, at least as regular as we can be. Our lifestyle may not look exactly like the average joe's but its manageable for us :) Regardless, we have spent the majority of our time alone or with my family (thank God for them...they are irreplaceable). This has allotted us plenty of time for self reflection and observation of others. The knowledge I have rendered from that combination is bountiful! I could go on for days about what I have learned from watching others, so I wont even begin! On the other hand, the self reflection has really helped me to refocus what I do with my time. 

Music has always been my first love and passion that I have constantly allowed to fall secondary. Since it is something I so enjoy, I decided to start covering some songs of artists I love. Pedro and I choose the songs based on requests or random impulse. It has been a fun endeavor so far so I hope you will come along on this journey with me and give me your support and feedback. You can subscribe to my youtube channel or follow me on facebook and twitter. Check out the first couple videos below:

As far as our nomadic activity lately, we recently went to Dallas together. We were invited to an I am Second leadership conference, where we met some amazing people. Pedro was invited to be a part of their speakers bureau....which is a HUGE deal and such an honor. If you havent checked out, do it! They are a non-profit organization with creative multimedia productions. They are all about the power of stories. We also spent time with some of our friends from the organization Hello Somebody. If you havent heard of them, PLEASE take the time to look them up at You will not be disappointed! Pedro left Dallas to do 8 shows over 2 days in Tennessee...crazy I know! Meanwhile, I stayed a few extra days in Dallas and got to spend some much needed time with my college roommate that I hadn't seen in years! It was a great treat. We just love our travel time :)

I am still teaching and although it may not be what I set out to do originally, I sure am enjoying the ride. I just adore the 17 little people I spend my days with. Today, in between math, reading,science and social studies, I found time to educate them about social injustice in the world. I shared with them some of the tragedy caused by the clean water crisis ( I told them how 1 billion people live without clean drinking water and are likely to die from waterborne illness. They learned that 10 children die every 60 seconds of hunger and that millions of people around the world live on less than 1 dollar a day. Even though all of my students are on free lunch themselves based on the low incomes of their families, they were moved into action. Starting tomorrow we will be raising money to build a well in Africa. After today I feel like no matter what happens for the rest of the school year, I helped teach them to be compassionate to others and that is worth everything.

In other news, we found out there will be 3 new babies entering our family this year. I have a cousin pregnant from each side of my family (Denise from dad's side and Shelby from mom's side). Both babies are due in August, just days apart! Then in September, Pedro and I will become Tio  & Titi (uncle & aunt) for the first time. Pedro's sister Tianna is pregnant! It will be an exciting year in our family!!!! 

It's almost Valentines Day and I am ecstatic! I wish everyone would go out of their way to be loving to others more often and not wait for a holiday! I will definitely be seeing the movie The Vow and hopefully filling my tummy with sushi :)

Well that is all for now.... Thanks for keeping up with us :)

The Nomad Newlyweds