To and Fro with Jess and Dro.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blogworthy Birthday

As many of you may know, my birthday just recently passed. Twenty-four doesnt feel much different from twenty-three, but my birthday certainly left an impression on me. I will walk you through my day so you can better understand why it was so outstanding.

I woke up on the morning of the 18th just like I always do: before the sun and to work before 7 am. Not thrilled to work on my birthday, I was hoping the day would fly by. My mood instantly began to brighten when I found my classroom door decorated by my friend and co-worker, Lo. As I progressed into my room, I saw a HUGE balloon, my favorite guava pastries and a sweet card- it is such a great thing to work with your friend :)

my door

Before I knew it, the bell rung and in flooded my students. Much to my surprise, they had all remembered it was my special day! One by one I was welcomed with birthday hugs and sweet  wishes. They quickly got to work and began making me cards and gifts. By the time the late bell rang, I was adorned from head-to-toe in handmade paper jewelry (in every color construction paper you can imagine). The only person more proud of their creative handiwork than them, was me. I felt so loved as I wore their ridiculous looking rings, bracelets, necklaces and crowns all day. My desk and floor could not contain the layers and layers or cards and artwork they gifted to me.



Midway through my work day, I was surprised by my handsome hubby! He brought me the biggest basket of gourmet chocolates and completely brightened my day. It was a good boost right before I participated in the Teacher Turkey Trot Race. The combination of my competitiveness and my students cheering me on, led me to the win! I beat out fifty some other teachers- in the rain I might add! I must admit, I thought I was going to pass out afterwards!

huge gift bag

After work, I went home for a quick nap and then out to my favorite sushi spot!!!!!! On the way there, Pedro got a call making him an official job offer to work on a movie out of Nashville- more on that later. It was a fantastic night with some of the most fabulous people I know and love.  I got presents that were practically the size of me and enjoyed every second of the day.

As if all my other gifts weren't enough, Pedro got me a puppy! I have wanted one for so long and finally I have one! Introducing our divalicious Demi LaTorre :) We named her after two great women who have passed away on Thanksgivings in the past, DEbbie Gwaltney and NoEMI Vega. If you put the names together it equals DEMI! She is furrier that we hope our future children will be, but we couldn't love her more! She was 10 wks old when we got her and she is already house-trained. Pedro says she is smart and stubby, just like me! She stays downstairs in our house, lets us sleep all night and puts up with our crazy schedule. I guess you could say she is perfect.
our sweet girl

Love these two
My birthday couldn't have been better. The thing about it that stands out is not that I was spoiled and showered with love and gifts, but the heart to which everything was done. It was everything I could do to not burst into tears each time a student gave me a gift. There is just something so sincere and pure about a kid who has nothing, giving you their favorite stuffed animal. Nothing quite says I love you like a hand-made gift from a child who is considered "homeless." You see all of my students receive free lunch due to their family's financial struggles. My eyes filled and refilled with tears as a student who desperately needs new shoes, handed me a fresh bouquet of roses. No tangible gifts could compare to these memories. My little third graders continue to change me. I have no doubt that by the end of the year, they will have taught me more than I could ever teach them.

Demi makes us a family of 3
Its time for the holidays now and we are wishing you all nothing but the best! 

Until next time,
The Nomad Newlyweds

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